
BABYMETAL - Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!! (ヘドバンギャー!!) Lyrics and Translation

Singer/Band : BABYMETAL
Song Title :  Headbangyaaa!! (ヘドバンギャー!!)
English Title : Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!!
Original Lyrics : Narasaki

Japanese Lyrics :

Densetsu no kurokami wo karei ni midashi
Kuruizaku kono hana wa hakanaku kieru

Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, ban ban, ba-ban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, ban ban, ba-ban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, ban ban, ba-ban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban

Saa toki wa kita mou mayowanai
Nigirishimeta no juu-hachi kippu
Higashi e nishi e minami e kita e
Kyou mo dosen ni totsugeki

Kamite (koi ya!) shimete (koi ya!)
Chokuritsu-fudou nokezori
Gyakudai (kara no) sakudai (kara no)
Korodai (kara no) oritatami

Ichigo no yoru wo wasure wa shinai
Nakimushi na yatsu wa koko kara kieusero

Densetsu no kurokami wo karei ni midashi
Kuruizaku kono hana wa hakanaku kieru
Mou nido to modoranai wazuka na toki wo
Kono mune ni kizamunda ichigo no yoru wo
Hirari chuu ni mau


Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban

Atama, tama, tama

Ichigo no yoru wo wasure wa shinai
Nakimushi na yatsu wa koko kara kiero
Ichigo no yoru wo wasure wa shinai
Jama wo suru yatsu wa sokuza ni kieusero

Densetsu no kurokami wo karei ni midashi
Kuruizaku kono hana wa hakanaku kieru
Mou nido to modoranai wazuka na toki wo
Kono mune ni kizamunda ichigo no yoru wo

Densetsu no kurokami wo karei ni midashi
Kuruizaku kono hana wa hakanaku kieru
Mou nido to modoranai wazuka na toki wo
Omoide ni kizamunda ichigo no yoru wo
Hirari chuu ni mau

Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, ban ban, ba-ban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedobangyaaa!!

Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban
Hedoban, hedoban, hedoban, hedoban

English Translation

With the legendary black long hair disordered around and gorgeously,
blooming crazy, this flower will soon disappear fruitlessly.

Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
headbang, headbang! Ban ban ba-ban!
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
headbang, headbang! Ban ban ba-ban!
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
headbang, headbang! Ban ban ba-ban!
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,

Now the time has come. I no longer hesitate.
I hold tightly the discount railway tickets.
To the east, to the west, to the south, to the north,
today too I rush to the very front of the stage center.

On the left side, [Come on!] on the right side, [Come on!]
standing up still, leaning back,
jumping toward the stage, [And then!] leaning over the fence, [And then!]
rolling over the mob, [And then!] and then all deeply headbanging.

This special night of my fifteen, I’ll never forget.
All the crybabies, get out of here!

With the legendary black long hair disordered around and gorgeously,
blooming crazy, this flower will soon disappear fruitlessly.
It’ll never come back again and it’s so short period.
I etch in my heart this special night of my fifteen.
I jump lightly and dance in the air.


Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang, 

Head, head, head, head

This special night of my fifteen, I’ll never forget.
All the crybabies, from here dis-ap-pear!
This special night of my fifteen, I’ll never forget.
All that disturb us, right now get out of here!

With the legendary black long hair disordered around and gorgeously,
blooming crazy, this flower will soon disappear fruitlessly.
It’ll never come back again and it’s so short period.
I etch in my heart this special night of my fifteen.

With the legendary black long hair disordered around and gorgeously,
blooming crazy, this flower will soon disappear fruitlessly.
I can never come back to it again and it’s so short period.
I etch in my memory this special night of my fifteen.
I jump lightly and dance in the air.

Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
headbang, headbang! Ban ban ba-ban!
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
headbang, headbang! Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!!

Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang,
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang.

Kana (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana) Lyrics

狂い咲くこの華は はかなく消える

さぁ時は来た もう迷わない 握りしめたの 18きっぷ
東へ西へ 南へ北へ 今日もドセンに突撃

上手(こいや!) 下手(こいや!) 直立不動 仰け反り
逆ダイ(からの) 柵ダイ(からの) コロダイ( からの) 折りたたみ

泣き虫なヤツは ここから消え失せろ

狂い咲くこの華は はかなく消える
もう二度と戻らない わずかな時を
この胸に刻むんだ 15の夜を
ひらり 宙に舞う

泣き虫なヤツは ここから消えろ
邪魔をするヤツは 即座に消え失せろ

狂い咲くこの華は はかなく消える
もう二度と戻らない わずかな時を
この胸に刻むんだ 15の夜を

狂い咲くこの華は はかなく消える
もう二度と戻れない わずかな時を
思い出に刻むんだ 15の夜を
ひらり 宙に舞う


Indonesia Translation

 Kumiliki rambut hitam legendaris yang indah namun tidak beraturan
Bunga yang bermekaran dengan liar ini akan menghilang selamanya

Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, bang, bang, ba-bang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, bang, bang, ba-bang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, bang, bang, ba-bang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang

Kini sudah tiba saatnya. Aku tidak merasa ragu lagi
Kupegang erat-erat sebuah tiket perjalanan panjang
Ke Timur, ke Barat, ke Selatan, ke Utara
Hari ini juga aku bergegas ke tempat yang paling dekat panggung

Di sisi kiri (Ayo!), di sisi kanan (Ayo!)
Aku dalam posisi berdiri lalu miring ke belakang, berulang kali
Melompat-lompat (Lalu), bersandar di pagar pembatas (Lalu)
Diangkat-angkat penonton (Lalu), melakukan headbang

Aku takkan melupakan malam spesial ini di usiaku yang ke-15
Wahai orang-orang yang cengeng, pergilah kalian dari sini!

Kumiliki rambut hitam legendaris yang indah namun tidak beraturan
Bunga yang bermekaran dengan liar ini akan menghilang selamanya
Momen yang singkat ini tidak dapat terulang kembali
Malam spesial di usiaku yang ke-15 ini akan terus terukir di hatiku
Diriku melompat dan melayang ringan di udara

Headbang, gyaaa!!

Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang

Kepala, kepala, kepala

Aku takkan melupakan malam spesial ini di usiaku yang ke-15
Wahai orang-orang yang cengeng, menghilanglah kalian dari sini!
Aku takkan melupakan malam spesial ini di usiaku yang ke-15
Wahai orang-orang yang menghalangiku, pergilah sekarang juga!

Kumiliki rambut hitam legendaris yang indah namun tidak beraturan
Bunga yang bermekaran dengan liar ini akan menghilang selamanya
Momen yang singkat ini tidak dapat terulang kembali
Malam spesial di usiaku yang ke-15 ini akan terus terukir di hatiku

Kumiliki rambut hitam legendaris yang indah namun tidak beraturan
Bunga yang bermekaran dengan liar ini akan menghilang selamanya
Momen yang singkat ini tidak dapat terulang kembali
Malam spesial di usiaku yang ke-15 ini akan terus terukir di ingatanku
Diriku melompat dan melayang ringan di udara

Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, bang, bang, ba-bang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang. Headbang, gyaaa!!

Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang
Headbang, headbang, headbang, headbang

BABYMETAL - Headbangeeeeeerrrrrr!! Fact

  • About "ichigo" translated to 15

“15” is usually pronounced as “juugo”. There are three “ichigo”. One is “ichi”+”go” = 1(x10)+5 = 15. This is rare. More used one is “single in a lifetime”. It is usually attached to noun as “ichigo no -” and famous as the tea master’s word “ichi-go ichi-e”. Most used one is for strawberry.

There is an old-fashioned word “ichigo sedai” (= strawberry/15 generation). It refers to the girls (and boys?) around fifteen, suggesting their character called “ama-zuppa-sa” (= sweet-and-sour-ness). There is another word for them “horo-nigai” (= slightly bitter; bittersweet?). It is used for somewhat bitterer experiences than that of “ama-zuppai”, and also for (bitter) chocolate. These two words must be distinguished.

It is clear the lyric writer was thinking of “ichi-go ichi-e”, and I translated so. Strawberry is not for sure, but needless to say their sweet-and-sour-ness.

To draw legs of snake (= unnecessary addition): In Japan “the Strawberry Generation” was used in late 1980’s and sometimes still refers to that generation (now around 40!). And there are yet another meaning of the Strawberry Generation in Taiwan.

  • About words “Gyaku-dai” etc. and “Hedobangyaa”
These words are used among the fans of “visual-kei” rock bands (so called because of being all dressed up). I didn’t know these words and have researched on the internet, so I’m not so sure. The girl fans of visual-kei are called “bangya” (= band gals), and this is why the title is written as “ヘドバンギャー” (hedobangyaa = headbang + band gal).

“Gyaku-dai” (= diving oppositely; contrasted with the diving of the singer into the audience) is the (scheduled) rushing of the audience toward the stage. The audience behind (far from the stage) sometimes actually jump above the mob. The audience in the front row lean over the low fences that keep the audience away from the stage (= saku-dai). Someone behind is thrown and rolls forward over the mob (= koro-dai; crowd surf).

To prevent severe accidents, there are some manners of gyaku-dai. Those who go to the visual-kei lives should learn them in advance, from their friends, searching on the internet, or from other audience just before the concert.

  • BABYMETAL's Special Headbang
In normal headbang, you'll move your head up and down. But in BABYMETAL's Headbang, you'll move your head side to side.

BABYMETAL『Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!!』Lyrics and Translation from "BABYMETAL" album.
Japanese One Stop Lyrics - JOS TV

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