
Sayuri (さユり) - Furaregai Girl Lyrics and English Translation

Singer/Band : Sayuri (さユり)
Song Title :  Furaregai Girl (フラレガイガール)
Original Lyrics : Sayuri (さユり)
Album : Mikazuki no Koukai (ミカヅキの航海, Crescent Moon Voyage)
Single : Furaregai Girl (4th Single)

Japanese Lyrics / Romaji Lyrics

ai o hiroiageta te no nukumori ga
ima mo mada nokoru no desu
"kore sae areba" to otagai kuchi ni shite
subete o wakariatta

sore dake de mou ikiteyukeru to omotta no desu

hitomi o tobidashi hoo o tsutau karera
ago no saki de daijuutai
maa kono saki namida o tsukau koto nado
mou nai shi maa ikka

zenbu koko de

mazui mazui mazui kyouretsu ni mazui anata ga katta hamigakiko mo
kyuuwarigobu mo nokoshite ittai doko e itta no? nee doko ni itta no?

watashi o futtenjanai yo baka futte ii wake ga nai desho
tama ni kentaiki yobou no sapuraizu mo wasurenaide to

tashika ni itte wa ita keredo futte ii wake ga nai desho
anata no bunzai de nani o baka na koto iidashite sa

mou ii kara sorosoro taneakashi shi ni kite yo

bakamajime ni totteoita yakusoku
heya no naka chirabatte
ashi no fumiba mo naku sugu ni funzukete
sono setsuna itamu no desu

"kimi wa boku no subete" tte ima hayari no aikotoba toka nanika?
moshi ya, moshikashite chiisaku "tokidoki" tte ittetari shitari shite

sou da to shitara
sou da to shitemo
nandemo ii ya

dasai dasai dasai mouretsu ni dasai anata ga kureta wanpiisu o kite
ogyougi yoku koko de watashi wa matterunda yo nee nee, matterunda yo

watashi o futtenjanai yo baka futte ii wake ga nai desho
tama ni kentaiki yobou no sapuraizu mo wasurenaide to

tashika ni itte wa ita keredo futte ii wake ga nai desho
watashi to wakareta nara mou tsugi nante nai kara

mou ii deshou? sorosoro taneakashi shi ni kite yo

itai itai itai onna ni wa narumai to chikatte wa kita kedo
ima no atashi wa douyara harete natteru ka na

nagai nagai nagai hanashi o attara kitto mata shiteshimau deshou
dakara saigo ni tsutaesasete nifun de ii kara

anata ga suki datta koto
tobikkiri no "baka yarou"

watashi o futtenjanai yo baka futte ii wake ga nai desho
dakara anata mitai na baka watashi kara futteageru wa yo

naite okkaketekitemo mou yurushitari shinai kara
itsuka tenpenchiikyuu no koukai ni osowarerya ii

sorosoro jikan da watashi wa iku ne
tsugi no namida mo tamatta koro yo

English Translation

Warmth of these hands that picked up love,
it still remains now.
We said, "If we have this, then...",
understanding one another completely.

All I would need was
To go on living
I thought of that

Tears spring from my eyes and poured down in my cheeks,
they congest at the tip of my chin
Well, after this I won’t have any need for those tears again,
so I guess it's fine

I'll let every last one flow out

Using shoddy, shoddy, shoddy, so terribly shoddy toothpaste that you bought
90% runs out in just 5 minutes. Where did you go? Hey... where did you go?

Don't you dare leave me, you idiot! There's no way that could be okay!
Don't forget to surprise me, so we never grow bored with one another

It's true that I said that, but that doesn't mean it's okay to leave me!
What do you think when you say something stupid like that?

That's enough! Go ahead and tell me that this was all a joke!

All those stupid promises that I took seriously
lay scattered inside this room
Left no place for me to stand, I end up stepping on them
Each step, it causes me pain

Is "You're everything to me..." just a popular line people are using these days?
I wonder if you might have been adding little, "...sometimes" under your breath

And if that were true...
Even if that were true...
I don't even care anymore!

Wearing obsolete, obsolete, obsolete, so terribly obsolete one-piece dress that you give to me
I'm waiting here like a good girl. Hey! Hey! I'm still waiting!

Don't you dare leave me, you idiot! There's no way that could be okay!
Don't forget to surprise me, so we never grow bored with one another
I you broke up with me now, there is no next time

So this is a good time, isn't it? Go ahead and tell me that this was all a joke!

Suffering, suffering, suffering, I've always sworn I would never become a woman that full of those
But looking at me now, did I manage to become one after all?

Long, long, long, if we get in another long conversation, I'm sure I'll just say something miserable again
So allow me to say one last thing. Two minutes is all I need

To make up for ever having loved you
I'll yell "You idiot!"

Don't you dare leave me, you idiot! There's no way that could be okay!
I'd be more than willing to break up with an idiot like you!

Even if you chase me down with tears in your eyes, I'll never forgive you now.
I hope someday you're assailed by natural-disaster-grade regrets!

It's about time... I'm gonna go.
I've just about saved up enough tears for the next time

Kana (Kanji/Hiragana/Katakana) Lyrics


それだけで もう生きていけると 思ったのです

顎の先で 大渋滞
まぁこの先 涙を使うことなど
もうないし まぁいっか

全部ここで 流れ切って しまえ

まずい まずい まずい強烈にまずい あなたが買った歯磨き粉も
9割5分も残して一体どこへいったの? ねぇどこにいったの

わたしをフッてんじゃないよバカ フッていいわけがないでしょ

たしかに言ってはいたけれど フッていいわけがないでしょ
あなたの分際で何をバカなこと 言い出してさ

もういいから そろそろ種明かししにきてよ

部屋の中 散らばって
その刹那 痛むのです

「君は僕のすべて」って 今流行の合い言葉とかなにか?
もしや、もしかして小さく「時々」って 言ってたりしたりして


ダサい ダサい ダサい猛烈にダサい あなたがくれたワンピースを着て
お行儀よくここで私は待ってるんだよ ねぇねぇ、待ってるんだよ

わたしをフッてんじゃないよバカ フッていいわけがないでしょ

たしかに言ってはいたけれど フッていいわけがないでしょ
わたしと別れたならもう 次なんていないから

もういいでしょう? そろそろ種明かししにきてよ

イタい イタい イタい 女にはなるまいと誓ってはきたけど
今のアタシはどうやら晴れて なってるかな

永い 永い 永い 話を会ったらきっとまたしてしまうでしょう
だから最後に伝えさせて 2分でいいから


わたしをフッてんじゃないよバカ フッていいわけがないでしょ
だからあんたみたいなバカ わたしからフッてあげるわよ

泣いて追っかけてきても もう許したりしないから
いつか天変地異級の 後悔に襲われりゃいい

そろそろ 時間だ ワタシは いくね
次の 涙も 溜まった 頃よ

Sayuri (さユり)『Furaregai Girl』Lyrics and Translation from "Mikazuki no Koukai (ミカヅキの航海, Crescent Moon Voyage) " album.

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