Como yo te amo (like I love you) by Raphael/Rocio Jurado (Spain)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Spain, Spanish, Songs, Lyrics translated into English
Como yo te amo (like I love you) by Raphael/Rocio Jurado (Spain)
Translation: Laura
Como yo te amo (2x)
Like I love you
convencete (2x)
convince yourself
nadie te amara
nobody will love you
Como yo te amo (2x)
Like I love you
olvidate (2x)
forget it
nadie te amara (2x)
nobody will love you
nadie, porque yo
nobody because
yo!! te amo con la fuerza de los mares
I love you with the strength of the seas
yo, te amo con el impetu del viento
I love you with the impetus of the wind
yo, te amo en la distancia y en el tiempo
I love you in the distance and in the time (through time and space)
yo, te amo con mi alma y con mi carne
I love you with my soul and with my flesh
yo, te amo como el niño a su mañana
I love you like a child loves his tomorrow/morning (1)
yo, te amo como el hombre a su recuerdo
I love you like an human loves his memories
yo, te amo a puro grito y en silencio
I love you pure scream and in silence
yo, te amo de una forma sobrehumana
I love you in a superhuman way (in a way beyond human feelings)
yo, te amo en la alegria y en el llanto
I love you in joy and in cry (in joy and pain)
yo, te amo en el peligro y en la calma
I love you in danger and in calm
yo, te amo cuando gritas cuando callas
I love you when you scream, when you remain silent
yo te amo tanto yo te amo taaanto yooo..!!
I love you so much, I love you so much, I....
Repetir todo desde el principio - Repeat all again from the beginning
(1) both translations are possible and I dont know what he really means. I guess is "tomorrow" becasue kids do not specailly like mornings...
Some words - Algunas palabras
como = like, as
yo = I
amar = to love
convencer/convencerse = to convince/ to get convinced, to convince oneselfe
nadie = nobody
olvidar/olvidarse = to forget
porque = because
(por qué= why)
con = with
(sin= without)
fuerza = strength
mar = sea
viento = wind
distancia = distance
tiempo = time
alma = soul
carne = flesh, meat
niño = kid, child
mañana = morning, tomorrow
hombre = man, human
recuerdo = memory
puro = pure
grito = scream, shout
silencio = silence
forma = form, way
alegria = joy, happiness
llanto = cry
peligro = danger
calma = calm
gritar = to scream, to shout
callar = to be quiet
tanto = so much, as much
Sung by Raphael
Warning: in Spain, we also think this guy is weird. I am not sure whether he is really like this or he is just playing a part.
Sung by Rocio Jurado
Sung by Rocio Jurado and Raphael together
Como yo te amo (like I love you) by Raphael/Rocio Jurado (Spain)
Translation: Laura
Como yo te amo (2x)
Like I love you
convencete (2x)
convince yourself
nadie te amara
nobody will love you
Como yo te amo (2x)
Like I love you
olvidate (2x)
forget it
nadie te amara (2x)
nobody will love you
nadie, porque yo
nobody because
yo!! te amo con la fuerza de los mares
I love you with the strength of the seas
yo, te amo con el impetu del viento
I love you with the impetus of the wind
yo, te amo en la distancia y en el tiempo
I love you in the distance and in the time (through time and space)
yo, te amo con mi alma y con mi carne
I love you with my soul and with my flesh
yo, te amo como el niño a su mañana
I love you like a child loves his tomorrow/morning (1)
yo, te amo como el hombre a su recuerdo
I love you like an human loves his memories
yo, te amo a puro grito y en silencio
I love you pure scream and in silence
yo, te amo de una forma sobrehumana
I love you in a superhuman way (in a way beyond human feelings)
yo, te amo en la alegria y en el llanto
I love you in joy and in cry (in joy and pain)
yo, te amo en el peligro y en la calma
I love you in danger and in calm
yo, te amo cuando gritas cuando callas
I love you when you scream, when you remain silent
yo te amo tanto yo te amo taaanto yooo..!!
I love you so much, I love you so much, I....
Repetir todo desde el principio - Repeat all again from the beginning
(1) both translations are possible and I dont know what he really means. I guess is "tomorrow" becasue kids do not specailly like mornings...
Some words - Algunas palabras
como = like, as
yo = I
amar = to love
convencer/convencerse = to convince/ to get convinced, to convince oneselfe
nadie = nobody
olvidar/olvidarse = to forget
porque = because
(por qué= why)
con = with
(sin= without)
fuerza = strength
mar = sea
viento = wind
distancia = distance
tiempo = time
alma = soul
carne = flesh, meat
niño = kid, child
mañana = morning, tomorrow
hombre = man, human
recuerdo = memory
puro = pure
grito = scream, shout
silencio = silence
forma = form, way
alegria = joy, happiness
llanto = cry
peligro = danger
calma = calm
gritar = to scream, to shout
callar = to be quiet
tanto = so much, as much
Sung by Raphael
Warning: in Spain, we also think this guy is weird. I am not sure whether he is really like this or he is just playing a part.
Sung by Rocio Jurado
Sung by Rocio Jurado and Raphael together